The Dead Zone: The Danger of Avoiding Conflict
workplace is filled with different ethnicities, genders, beliefs and
generations. As a result, conflict is going to always be lurking around every
corner or water cooler. As a leader, it becomes your job to not only resolve
conflict but to ward it off. Leaders carry the task of watchmen because they
are expected to see the “smoke” before the conflict fire. The worse thing a
manager / leader can do is not learn the art of conflict leadership. Like it or
not, conflict management is a part of leadership and sometimes it’s the most
important part. It is important to remember that after the dust settles,
conflict can usher in the best era of your business / organization. It becomes
imperative that leaders master the art of conflict leadership and learn how to
lead after the fallout.
Dissolution of company culture
its core, company culture is built off trust and respect for leadership. The
belief that your work environment will be equipped with everything you would
need to be successful. It becomes the job of leadership to ensure that this
trust is maintained and cultivated amongst their subordinates. Company culture
is the prime place where “wall watching” becomes vital. As your organization ushers
in new employees, they must understand proper protocol. Establishing a proper hierarchy
reduces the opportunities for conflict to arise.
resolution is a top attribute for a good leader. In the company culture
dynamic, avoidance of conflict becomes detrimental to the balance. If
subordinates feel their grievances aren’t being addressed or if they can’t get
results it will slowly chip away at the trust. A loss of trust, is the
beginning of the demise of your organizations culture. Always make sure that
your organization has systems in place to ensure balance among your leadership.
Subordinates should always feel like their opinions matter and have a place
within your organization.
The Pipeline
an organization, leaders not only establish the communication pipeline but they
also maintain it. For this cause, a hierarchy must be created and implemented
to ensure the system of checks and balances. Often times, organizations fail
because no hierarchy has been established and managers become endued with
unintentional power. In other words, they become the absolute power and
absolute power corrupts absolutely. In an organization, no leader should retain
absolute power but everyone should be subject to some type of higher authority.
Devoid of a hierarchy, individuals don’t know
who to take their issues to. As a result, the communication pipeline never
establishes it connection and the lines of communication are never instituted.
It is imperative that individuals understand who they report to and what is the
leadership protocol.
should always remember that their subordinates are human beings. As a result,
they have certain expectations that may supersede old school workplace
perimeters. Modern knowledge has shown us that employees expect their most
basic needs to be met in the workplace and they expect their leaders to care.
Understanding the needs of your subordinates helps to keep the workplace
productive and professional.
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